- Simply burn extra calories by increasing your blood circulation and body temperature using the fat burning gel for men and women.
- Increase your body temperature to sweat more, lose water weight, increase circulation, boost your workouts and obtain those perfect abs.
- Easy to use, just select and apply to your target area and massage till absorbed, the cream helps to tighten and lubricate the muscles, promote metabolism, strengthen muscles.
- Made of mild ingredients, safe to use, without any irritative effect on skin.
- Contains natural extracts, the slimming cream will also keep your skin smoother, more elastic and look younger.
Item Type: Slimming Cream
Capacity: 80g
Efficacy: Nourishing and shaping
Package List:
1 * Slimming Cream
1Simply burn extra calories by increasing your blood circulation and body temperature using the fat burning gel for men and women. 2Increase your body temperature to sweat more, lose water weight, increase circulation, boost your workouts and obtain those perfect abs. 3Easy to use, just select and apply to your target area and massage till absorbed, the cream helps to tighten and lubricate the muscles, promote metabolism, strengthen muscles. 4Made of mild ingredients, safe to use, without any irritative effect on skin. 5Contains natural extracts, the slimming cream will also keep your skin smoother, more elastic and look younger.
Package List: