Do you suffer from interrupted sleep every night ?
Do you feel guilty that your snoring makes your spouse lying awake all night
Snoring and sleep apnea not only affects your quality of sleep but also greatly affects your quality of daily life.
- This chin support strap will surely be a welcome relief to those who snore and their partners!
- It provides you with a comfortable, effective and the easiest way to treat positional sleep apnea.
- It helps you and your partner to have a better sleep every night and wake up feeling refreshed instead of fatigued
- Unique design
- One size fits all
- Made of high quality durable elastic materials
- Comfortable and easy to wear
- Ideal for Non-specific snoring, Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), Jaw (TM Joint) dislocation and Jaw Tremor (Psychotic)
How it works :
Snoring research reveals that a jaw supporter can help to reduce or eliminate snoring by keeping the lower jaw in an upward position, which in return increasing the three dimensional space in the airway, and thus reducing soft tissue vibration.
This strap supports the chin allowing the jaw to relax with the mouth closed or nearly closed.
As long as there are no obstructions preventing breathing through the nose, snoring cannot easily occur.
Current users may discover wearing a jaw supporter improves the comfort and effectiveness. Additionally, some users report that they are able to stop using it while wearing a jaw supporter.
"A chinstrap alone improved severe obstructive sleep apnea.
Anesthesiologists in Japan demonstrated that in children with OSAS a ?chin lift and jaw thrust improved the stridor score.? That same study demonstrated that achieving the lateral position, also adopted at home by our patient further improved the effectiveness of these maneuvers. Oral appliances can improve sleep apnea with nonresponders, interestingly, having larger upper airway dimensions. However, oral appliances can be expensive and are not uniformly effective.
In sum, this case report indicates that a simple and inexpensive chinstrapdeserves further investigation as a modality for the treatment of OSAS."
Are Kids Snoring Their Way To ADHD? -Researchers Conclude Sleepiness And Sleep Apnea May Be Exhibited As Symptoms Of ADHD.
CNN Headline News -CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- New research suggests children who snore face nearly double the risk of being inattentive and hyperactive, providing evidence of an intriguing link between sleep problems and attention deficit disorders.
Reuters : Can Snoring Kill? Dental Surgeons Say They've Found Why Snoring Can Kill
Snoring Can Indicate Serious Upper Airway Disorders. Blocked Airways Increase Blood Pressure, Damaging Arteries and Leading To Stroke
WASHINGTON (Reuters) Dental surgeons discover why snoring can kill: It can actually cause damage to the arteries.
Although considered harmless, snoring can actually indicate a serious medical condition called sleep apnea. Marked by irregular breathing, sleep apnea often causes sufferers to stop breathing completely for up to several seconds and has even been linked to stroke and heart disease in some patients.
Lack of Sleep Linked To Weight Problems
American Diabetes Association Clinical Trials Suggest Lack of Sleep Linked To Overweight and Obesity
In addition to the known health problems caused by lack of sleep, research suggests that too little sleep causes hormone changes that might lead to obesity. 924 people, 18 to 91 years of age were divided into four groups: normal weight, overweight, obese, and extremely obese. The researchers compared body mass to total sleep time and concluded that the less people slept, the heavier they tended to be (except in the extremely obese group.)
In addition to diet and exercise, quantity of sleep may be a key part of any weight-loss program. Overweight people are encouraged to examine their sleep quantity to improve weight-loss progress and results.
This jaw supporter is based on the same principle as CPR. The airway must be open to allow air to pass through the throat. A constricted or collapsed airway causes snoring and/or OSA. A jaw supporter can hold the lower jaw in a position so that it does not fall backwards/down during the night and cause the airway to collapse. Maintaining a clear airway improves breathing and reduces snoring. This supporter can help you & your loved ones. Don't wait !
Package include:
1 xSnore Belt Chin Support Strap Belt
There is a certain residual rubber smell in the factory of the new product, which is normal. As the number of use increases the smell, it will weaken to disappear. It is recommended to clean and dry it before using it.
1This chin support strap will surely be a welcome relief to those who snore and their partners 2It provides you with a comfortable, effective and the easiest way to treat positional sleep apnea. 3It helps you and your partner to have a better sleep every night and wake up feeling refreshed instead of fatigued 4Unique design, with good stickiness, no deformation, uniform force. 5One size fits all, easy to adjust the size, bringing you convenience.
Package List: