Before there was Lois Lowrys The Giver or M. T. Andersons Feed, there was Robert Cormiers I Am the Cheese, a subversive classic that broke new ground for YA literature. A boys search for his father becomes a desperate journey to unlock a secret past. But the past must not be remembered if the boy is to survive. As he searches for the truth that hovers at the edge of his mind, the boyand readersarrive at a shattering conclusion. An absorbing, even brilliant job. The book is assembled in mosaic fashion: a tiny chip here, a chip there. . . . Everything is related to something else; everything builds and builds to a fearsome climax. . . . [Cormier] has the knack of making horror out of the ordinary, as the masters of suspense know how to do.The New York Times Book Review A horrifying tale of government corruption, espionage, and counter espionage told by an innocent young victim. . . . The buildup of suspense is terrific.School Library Journal, starred review An ALA Notable Childrens Book A School Library Journal Best Book of the Year A Horn Book Fanfare A Library of Congress Childrens Book of the Year A Colorado Blue Spruce Young Adult Book Award Nominee Read more
Publisher:Ember; Reprint,Reissue edition (September 11, 2007)
Paperback:256 pages
Reading age:10 - 13 years, from customers
Lexile measure:750L
Grade level:7 - 9
Item Weight:7.2 ounces
Dimensions:5.5 x 0.56 x 8.25 inches