Buckwheat Alcohol-FREE liquid extract contains ONLY natural ingredients!
High Quality Buckwheat Alcohol-FREE liquid extract- we use classic conventional methods of extraction! We meticulously produce our extracts according to precise standards where each herb is extracted according to the distinct characteristic of each plant!
Super concentrated Buckwheat Alcohol-FREE extract: dried material / menstruum ratio is 1:3!
We strictly use Only Certified or ethically sourced wild harvested raw material, vegetable palm glycerin and crystal clear artesian purified water! Really the BEST Buckwheat herbal glycerite on market!
Buckwheat (Fagopyrum Esculentum) is an annual upright plant reaching 70 cm in height. In June-September, the plant enters a period of flowering when tangle-like brushes with red or white flowers on long axillary peduncles appear from the axils of the leaves. The buckwheat fruit ripens in September-October. This is a trihedral single-seed nut of rhombic or round shape 5-7 mm in thickness and length.
Brand: Hawaii Pharm
Item Form: liquid
Manufacturer: Hawaii Pharm
Item Package Quantity: 1
Recommended Uses For Product: Dietary Supplement
Date First Available:January 15, 2016
Manufacturer:Hawaii Pharm
Country of Origin:USA