The information about the product is provided by the seller. Notwithstanding any of this information, the product is not intended for diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of any disease, is not a drug or a medical device, and should not be used for any medical purposes. Please consult a medical specialist.-----Soft Child Adult Body Digital LCD Thermometer Temperature Silica gel MeasurementFeatures100% brand new products Waterproof, rinse with water after the measurement day,Regular use of can also be disinfected; Beep, beep after the end of the measurement automatically prompt (measured mercuy do not know how long the subject, this section no such concerns) Precision, accuracy up to0.5 , the minimum scale reading up to 0.1 ; Easy reading, measurement accuracy, no harmful , etc., and have Beeper and memory function Package Included:1xDigital LCD Body Thermometer Label: Yes Material: alloy