This product is disposable, and it is kept for about 5-7 days. It cannot be reused. This product returns to the bath, swims, and does not fall for a long time in the hot spring.
No. 1 (semi-transparent) dark complexion
No. 2 (semi-transparent) light complexion
No. 3 (semi-transparent) skin color
No. 4 (Impermeable) Dark Skin Tone
No. 5 (opaque) light complexion
No. 6 (Impermeable) Skin Primary Color
This product is divided into two types:
- Opaque type, suitable for covering small areas of tattoos, birthmarks, and minor scratches (only flat parts, facial joints and curved parts are not suitable, and uneven is not suitable)
- Translucent type, can not be used to cover tattoos, birthmarks, only suitable for slight scratches (only flat parts, facial joints and curved parts are not suitable, and uneven is not suitable)
Covers tattoos, birthmarks, scars, bruises, severe acnes and any defects
Free to cut-conform to the exact shape of your tattoo
Skin-colored hiding place, as invisible!
Very Flexible - perfectly suitable for sticking to any part of your body such as arms, legs, face, fingers, hands, neck, back, etc.
Quick application, 3 seconds to dry
Waterproof, stain and smear
Long-lasting 1 to 2 weeks per strip
Breathable with less than 2mm thickness
Easily removed without pain / residue when ready