1The multipole radiofrequency cosmetology instrument can change the electric field and electric polarity in the biological tissue of the physiotherapy site for millions of times, promote the natural resistance movement of the subcutaneous tissue to generate heat energy, stimulate the dermis to secrete more new collagen, fill the gaps of collagen, and thus lift the skin scaffold again and restore skin elasticity. 240K HZ ultrasonic probe: Rapid vibration of fat cells, so that the fat cells produced to the insides of the explosion, leading to fat cells burst, fat cells reduce, so as to achieve the effect of shaping the body. 3Negative pressure eright pole laser liposuction head: negative pressure + bipolar radiofrequency + laser liposuction head, absorption and carrying capacity, to accelerate the removal of local body deformation caused by fat accumulation. 4Six poles skin tightening head: The new six pole circulating radio frequency technology enables the subcutaneous tissue to secrete more new collagen and restore skin elasticity. 5Double plate radiofrequency head: quickly restore skin elasticity, reduce fat cells, so as to achieve the effect of fat removal. 6BIO micro electric head: BIO is used to remove wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes, remove bags under the eyes, remove fine lines at the corners of the eyes, and improve the contour of the eyes.