1Highpower vacuum suction head, three levels of suction, help you completely clear your skin. 26 suction heads, replaceable suction heads, different degrees of decontamination, easy to disassemble and assemble. 3The vacuum suction is variable frequency, and the pressure difference is used to suck out the blackheads from the roots, and clean each pore. 4Wateroxygen activating skin is antisensitive, gentler, with nanosized bubbles, it is more thorough and effective while washing and sucking. 5Warm and moisturize, stimulate collagen activity and make skin more tender. 6Wavedissolving type exports the blackheads and gently penetrates into the hair follicles, allowing the blackheads to surface on the skin surface, and the blackheads can be easily exported without squeezing. 7After removing the blackheads, the pore shrinking water will shrink the skin pores in time, prevent and control the secretion of oil, and block the root cause of blackheads.