Sometimes the feet will be sore and painful if you wear a pair of unfitable shoes or new shoes. In that case, you could try our forefoot cushion. They are soft and breathable, which will provide comfortable wearing even though covering with another pair of socks. Excellent cushioning ability will reduce pressure from walking, running etc for your feet protection. Built-in memory foam pad, soothes feet and prevents calluses. Furthermore, they are good to absorb sweat, keep feet dry and neat. So come and try them.
Excellent cushioning ability, which can reduce pressure from walking, running etc for your feet protection.
Thin socks design, which allows you to wear comfortably in everyday footwear.
Protect feet against rubbing with the shoes and reducing discomfort, particularly when contacting with the the new shoes.
Built-in memory foam pad, soothes feet and prevents calluses.
Great elastic and stretchy, no restraining.
Good to absorb sweat, keep feet dry and neat.
Material: Sponge + Silicone + Nylon
Color: Black, Flesh(Optional)
Item Size: Approx. 8.6 * 8.3 cm / 3.39 * 3.28 inch
Package Weight: Approx. 20g
Suitable For: Adult
Item Type: Forefoot Cushion
Package Include:
1 x Pair of Forefoot Cushion
1Excellent cushioning ability, which can reduce pressure from walking, running etc for your feet protection 2Thin socks design, which allows you to wear comfortably in everyday footwear 3Protect feet against rubbing with the shoes and reducing discomfort, particularly when contacting with the the new shoes 4Built-in memory foam pad, soothes feet and prevents calluses 5Good to absorb sweat, keep feet dry and neat
Package List: