1Shockwave can change the chemical environment of the injury site, making the tissues produce and release paininhibiting chemicals. Meanwhile, Shockwave can destroy the membrane of pain receptor, inhibit the production and propagation of pain signals. 2Shockwave causes the production of internal peroneal peptide, which reduces the sensitivity of the affected area to pain, and can achieve long-term effective treatment effect for patients' pain.Shockwave therapy also promotes tissue healing by improving metabolism in the treated area and reducing inflammatory response in the affected area, by loosening calcinosis in the affected area, reducing edema, and increasing mechanical load on the tissue. 3Pain relieve and treatment for plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, shoulder joint tendon inflammation and calcification, groin pain, epicondylitis. 4Shockwave pain therapeutic apparatus is a physics mechanism through the medium (air or gas) conduction of mechanical pulse pressure, produced by pneumatic pulse sound waves into precise ballistic Shockwave, movement and positioning of probe through therapy, can happen to pain from a wide range of human tissue have good treatment effect. 5The patients can feel first effects directly after treatment, pain relief/ reduction after a few treating sessions, good treatment compliance.