1Through the positioning and movement of the therapeutic probe, it can produce good therapeutic effects on a wide range of human tissues where pain occurs. 2Can change the chemical environment of the injury site, making the tissues produce and release pain-inhibiting chemicals. Meanwhile, shockwave can destroy the membrane of pain receptor, inhibit the production and propagation of pain signals. In addition, shockwave causes the production of endorphin, reducing the sensitivity of the injury site to pain. 3Increase of cell wall permeability, stimulation of microcirculation (Blood, Lymph), release of substance P, reduction of unmyelinated nerves, release of Nitric oxide (vasodilation, increased cell metabolism, neoangogenesis, anti-inflammatory effect), stimulation of Growth factors (neogenesis of vessels, bone, collagen) and stimulation of stem cells. 4Pain relief and treatment for plantar fasciitis, achilles tendinitis, shoulder joint tendon inflammation and calcification, groin pain, epicondylitis. 5The patients can feel first effects directly after treatment, pain relief/ reduction after a few treating sessions, good treatment compliance. 6Improved metabolism in the treated area and reduced inflammatory response in the affected area, relieve calcinosis, reduce edema and increase mechanical load on tissue, promote tissue rehabilitation.