AD8367 was introduced by AD company as a variable gain single-ended IF amplifier, which uses AD's advanced X-AMP structure, with excellent gain control features. Because of the integrated on-chip rfc geophone, it is also the world's first VGA chip that enables single-chip closed-loop AGC. The chip features a high performance 45dB variable gain amplifier that controls linear gain and operates stably from any low frequency to 500MHz.
Single-ended input, single-ended output.
Input impedance is 200, the output impedance is 50.
3dB bandwidth is 500MHz.
When the input is zero level, the output level is half of the supply voltage, and adjustable.
Gain control feature selection and power-down control.
On-chip integrated square root detector, can achieve single-chip AGC applications.
Gain control characteristics in dB linear.
The operating frequency can be extended to any low frequency by external capacitor.
Module Features:
- Single 5V supply, current 30mA.
- The default is AGC mode, If you want to change to VGA mode, you only need to invert the SW1 jumper, add 0.05-0.95V voltage to control.
- The module default input and output impedance of 50R, can be changed as you needed.
- If you need to obtain greater output voltage, can change part of the partial pressure.
Package included:
1 xAD8367 Module
1Single-ended input, single-ended output 2Input impedance is 200, the output impedance is 50 33dB bandwidth is 500MHz 4When the input is zero level, the output level is half of the supply voltage, and adjustable 5Gain control feature selection and power-down control
Package List: