This handheld bidet sprayer delivers awell cleansed feeling traditional methods cannot provide. Also use as atoilet seat washer or to spray down showers and bathtubs whendisinfecting. With the perfect amount of splash-free water flow.
- Thishandheld bidet sprayer delivers a well cleansed feeling traditionalmethods cannot provide. Also use as a toilet seat washer or to spraydown showers and bathtubs when disinfecting. With the perfect amount ofsplash-free water flow.
- Perfect solution for dailypersonal hygiene, and even can be used for Muslim shower, baby clothdiaper sprayer, dog shower, a bidet sprayer, toilet seat washer, kitchenfaucet or even as a water hose to water your flower or car. Givingrelief to constipation, hemorrhoid or UTI sufferers, also ideal use forpregnancy and postpartum. You can also connect to warm water supply forwarm water and it is variable water pressure (soft to strong) bypressing the button.
- Made of 304 stainless steel and solid brass.Brass has disinfection and anti-corrosion effect, durable for many yearsuse, do not worry about leak any more with this bidet sprayer! TheBrass Handheld Douche Sprayer Set includes a adjustable pressure bidetsprayer, a 1.2m stainless steel hose, a standard G1/2 adapter andtape, hook and bracket etc.
- Our bathroom bidet box contains everythingyou'll need for a bidet sprayer installation within 10 minutes. Ourstep-by-step instructions with pictures simplifies neatly mounting totoilets, walls or showers in minutes without a professional plumber. Anelegant wall/toilet tank mount.
- Our tried and tested solidly built componentsare constructed with high-endurance materials resistant to rust andcorrosion.
Material: Stainless Steel, Brass
Special Features: Muslim shower, Baby Cloth Diaper Sprayer, Dog Shower
Adapter: G1/2
Weight: 770g
Package Included:
1 x Handheld bidet sprayer kit