Many people like hiking during their spare time. This trekking pole basket is an essential accessory for hiking. Made of high quality, this will be very durable for outdoor activities and hiking use. With large contact area to give additional support to prevent the poles from sinking too deep into soft ground or snow, and make you go smoothly in any terrain with trekking pole or walking stick.
- Made of high quality rubber, which will be lightweight and durable.
- With large contact area to give additional support to prevent the poles from sinking too deep into soft ground or snow and to protect your hiking pole from mud.
- Make trekking pole and walking sticks go smoothly in any terrain.
- Portable size and easy to install, you can just put in your trekking pole bag and install when needed.
- An essential accessory for trekking pole when going for outdoor activities and hiking.
Condition: 100% Brand New
Item Type:Trekking Pole Accessory
Material: Rubber
Color: Black
Middle Hole Diameter: 1.6cm / 0.6inch
Outer Diameter: Approx. 8.7cm / 3.4inch
Quantity: 5PCS
Package Weight: Approx. 88g
Package Include:
5 x Trekking Pole Basket
- The walking stick in the picture is not included.
- Please allow 1-3mm error due to manual measurement. Thanks for your understanding.