New design, simple and versatile electronic load! Automatic memory function with all parameters , is well suited forautomated assembly of the power adapter aging(burn-in) module.
1, Simple and versatile electronic load.
2, Automatic memory function with all parameters , is well suited forautomated assembly of the power adapter burn-in module.
3, In the saleof the latest version, slightly larger size and upgrade the fan intothe original 5020 Delta high speed dual bearing fan.
4, Higher coolingredundancy, more suitable for long hours.
5, Multi-functional, can also be used to test battery.
Power Supply Requirement: DC 12V voltage ( actual voltage 11-14V) current isnot less than 0.5A of power, the power will be displayed inappropriateErr6.
Operating Modes: Single mode constant current (CC).
Discharge current: 0.20-9.99A stepper 0.1A or 0.01A
Discharge Current Maximum Error: 0.7% -0.01A
The Maximum Capacity Test Error: 0.5A 2.5%, 2A 1.5%, 5A and above 1.2%
Offline ( termination ) Voltage Range: 1.0-25.0V stepping 1V or 0.1V
Discharge Voltage: 1.00-30.00V
The Maximum Voltage Measurement Error: 1% + - 0.02V
Maximum Power: 60W super power automatically limits the maximum current (forexample, up to 60W when it can open 9.99A 6V and 20V maximum at the onlyopen 3.00A)
Highest Battery Test Statistic: 999.9Ah or 9999Wh, achieve value stop testing ( first value to those who stop condition )
Board Size: 60W 100mm x 70mm x 57mm ( fan prominent board about 12mm)
Positioning Hole Locations: 60mm x 88mm diameter 3.2mm 5mm pedestal already installed
Weight: 184g(approx.)
Fan Control: intelligent fan control ( according to the radiator fan can be infinitely variable automatic temperature )
Protection:Overheat protection "otP", transient overpower protection "oPP", over-pressure protection "ouP", reverse polarity protection, power supplyvoltage abnormal protection .
A: Mode Settings ( default factory for electronic load mode ) : Hold downthe start-stop button ( red button ) to the tester simultaneouslyenergized until the key is released showing Fun * When , by rotating theknob to change the setting , "Fun1" for electronic load mode , "Fun2"battery capacity test mode. Push button start and stop at the buzzerafter entering the settings, also set "bEon" buzzer by turning the knobto open or "bEoF" buzzer closes After setting press the button again tostart and stop at the tester restart.
Setting Digital Illustration:
II: Electronic Load Mode:
- Turn on the power supply 12V boot into electronic load mode , ensuringin a stopped state ("RUN" does not light, otherwise the press of thestart-stop switch to turn off the load ) connected to the power supplyunder test to the test port input power (P+ P- ) , pay attention notto take the wrong polarity !
- Set current and lower voltageknob , turn the knob to set the value of the current setting position ,then press the knob to change the setting digit, digital middle twodigits to the right of the indicator and digital indicator VAsimultaneously determine the current set position .
- Press thestart-stop switch, load began to run, "RUN" lights, power is appliedto the circuit under test is set to enter the discharge current, whilethe upper display the actual input load voltage, when the voltage dropsbelow the set limit voltage " RUN " LED flashes and short beep alarmbuzzer accompanied.
- The test procedure can be modified at any current, and if you need to modify the lower voltage to stop the load can modify.
Note: Whenin alarm state, can only transfer a small current does not increase!Tester automatic power-down feature to save enough to save the setparameters and run state, when the state again after power transmissionwill complete before the power failure and restore data.
Battery Capacity Test Mode:
- The test battery should be fully charged with a special charger.
- Give the tester is powered into the battery capacity test mode, connectthe battery current line to P+ P- positive and negative terminals , ifyou use four-wire clamp test, while the four-wire interface to thepositive and negative voltage test fixture is connected to V+ V- port.
- Turn the knob to set the discharge current and discharge voltage (referring to two specific methods : 2 ) , one press aftersetting the start and stop switch , a battery tester and a first linedetection, automatic identification 2-4 line ( 2-wire lineidentification presentation JS-2,4 identification JS-4, if an errorplease stop the test and check the wiring ) , then enter the test , ifthe fault code appears , refer to later explain .
The testingprocess will round up digital noticeable battery voltage , current , andthe current discharge capacity Ah discharge energy Wh, when thedischarge end ( battery voltage is below the set voltage ) , the testerdisplays the data stays in Ah and blink rapidly , with bee shortnessbuzzer alarm.
- Press the start and stop at the knob or switchto stop the alarm , you can turn the knob to view the battery dischargedata , including discharge capacity Ah, Wh and discharge energy platformvoltage V, start-stop button is pressed again , clear the data back tothe initial setting interface before testing the next section batteries.
Additional Information:
- Battery test process can adjust the discharge current , if you need tore- adjust the termination voltage , you can pause by pressing theswitch at the start and stop the discharge modification ( pausedischarge will return to the settings page , this time discharge data isnot lost , if necessary , you can long press clears the data until thestart-stop switch 0.000Ah).
- Tester automatic storage canrecord setting parameters , and record all parameters and status at theend of the test process and test power failure alarm status , re-transmission of all automatically restored.
Fault protection codes and meanings:
Err1: ultra-high capacity test the battery voltage.
Err2: battery voltage is below the set termination voltage is not connected to the battery or the battery is reversed .
Err3: line resistance is too large or the battery can not afford to set the discharge current.
Err4: circuit failure .
Err6: working power is inappropriate , use a standard 12V power supply , and the supply current is not less than 0.5A.
otP: overheating protection.
Ert: temperature sensor failure or the temperature is too low.
ouP: ultra-high voltage electron -load mode.
oPP: under ultra-high power electronic load mode instantly.
Package Includes:
1 x Multi-function Module
1, This product is a professional testing equipment , requiring the user have some basic electronic knowledge, or youmay be unable to use the device properly, possibly mishandled causeunnecessary loss caused by the test device damage.
2, The default power adapter is not included.
3, Please allow 1-3mm error due to manual measurement. Thanks for your understanding.