Red, green, blue (RGB) and white light sensing and infrared blocking filters
Programmable analog gain and integration time
Very high sensitivity, suitable for operation after dark glass
Programmable upper and lower thresholds and persistence filters
With power management features
Low power, 2.5 uA sleep state
65uA wait state, programmable wait state time from 2.4 ms to 7 seconds
I2C fast mode compatible interface
The data rate can be up to 400kbit / s
Register set and Pin compatible with TCS3x71 series
Generally used in RGB LED backlight control, light color temperature measurement, ambient light sensing for display backlight control, fluid and gas analysis and product color verification and classification
1Red, green, blue (RGB) and white light sensing and infrared blocking filters 2Programmable analog gain and integration time 3Very high sensitivity, suitable for operation after dark glass 4Programmable upper and lower thresholds and persistence filters 5With power management features