The information about the product is provided by the seller. Notwithstanding any of this information, the product is not intended for diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of any disease, is not a drug or a medical device, and should not be used for any medical purposes. Please consult a medical specialist.-----Features:For Gua Sha scraper, you can keep it at 15 degree angle when moving from the center of the face towards to hairline, then down the neck towards collar bone.Use it every morning and night with essential oil, you will see the difference, it really helps get rid of puffiness and swelling in face.Immediately remove muscle tension as the roller smoothes fine lines and eliminates wrinkles, making your skin more radiant.Doubleended design, the smaller roller is used for eye area, while the larger one is for neck & face.This stone skincare tool kit is made of jade, convenient to hold and easy to use.Type: Facial Skin Care ToolMaterial: StoneHow to use:1. Wash face with normal cleansing products.2. Apply any night creams to your face and neck.3. Use upward motions to move the roller gently over your forehead,cheeks,around the lip area and neck. Close your eyes and roll gently over your eyelids if you have puffy eyes or bags under your eyes.4. Use the roller on your face and neck for 5 to 10 minutes.5. Use the Jade roller three times a week to reduce lines and wrinkles.6. Clean your Jade roller according to the instructions.