DRY YEASTLooking for extra yeast for homebrewing beer? Try our Safale S-04 English Ale Dry Yeast, a strain used for English and American ales.
QUALITYThis strain produces fruity and floral notes and it sediments nicely, leaving beer clearer after fermentation is complete. Dry yeast is shelf stable & ships fresh.
FLEXIBLE FERMENTATIONThis active dry yeast thrives in a fermentation temperature range of 59-68 F and does not require hydration or a yeast starter to begin fermentation. Use this yeast strain in your own 5 gallon ale.
HOME BREW INGREDIENTSSafale S-04 Dry Yeast is an ideal yeast for English & American beer styles: English Browns & Milds, Stouts, Porters & NEIPAs.
Brand: Craft A Brew
Number of Items: 1
Item Weight: 0.18 Ounces
Item Form: Powder
Package Information: Bottle
Package Dimensions:4.06 x 2.44 x 0.28 inches; 0.18 ounces
Item model number:Does not Apply
Country of Origin:USA