This cheese is called 'hushallsost' or Riksost, which means 'household' or farm cheese
Semi-soft, mild Swiss-type cheese
Wheel 2 Pounds
Farmer Cheese from the Swedish Company Scandic is a regular on the Swedish breakfast table. This cheese is called 'hushllsost' or Riksost, which means 'household' or farm cheese. Farmer Cheese is a semi-soft, mild Swiss-type cheese and that would be. The cheese is used in sandwiches, and because it melts well it is also used in pizzas or other dishes; an all-around cheese. - Ingredients: Pasteurized cow's milk, cheese cultures, salt, and enzymes
Brand: Scandic
Number of Items: 1
Unit Count: 32 Ounce
Variety: Monterey Jack
Item Form: Bar
Item Weight:2 Pounds