AMARANTH S BENEFITS: High in Proteins, Gluten Free, Rich in Fiber, High in Phosphorus, Magnesium, Potassium, Contains Antioxidants Wafers Cookies Waffle
CHOCOLATE S BENEFITS: Provides Energy, Antioxidant, Reduces Blood Pressure, Make You Happy, and Feel Better, Contains antioxidants, Vitamins & Minerals
HEALTHY SNACK LESS THEN 3g. OF SUGAR IN EVERY PACK: Contains Less then 3g. of Sugar, 0g. of Trans fat, 9g. of Fiber & 180 Calories in every Happy Pack of Choke-Obleas Chocolate Cookies (3 wafers in every pack). All The Ingredients in Choke-Obleas are Gluten and Lactose Free.
CONVENIENT & SNACKABLE TO GO: Take them to the office for a mid-afternoon munchie, School, Lunch Boxes, Breakfast on the go, Keep one inside your purse as a snack, These individual Wrapped Packages(3) are ideal for anytime of the day.
Mini Choke Obleas Wafers Cookies Amaranto con Relleno de Chocolate Galletas Cookies es un Snack Totalmente Saludable, lleno de Suplementos Nutritivos facil de llevar a cualquier lugar en sus empaques individuale (3 obleas en cada empaque)
Mini Choke-Obleas Amaranths Dark Turin Chocolate Wafer Cookies is a Product made of Amaranth Flour and Amaranth Grains, cover and Filled With Low Calorie Chocolate; Amatrant is a Highly Nutritious Grain That is Rich in Proteins, Fiber and many Important Micronutrients Like Manganese, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Iron. All The Ingredients in Choke-Obleas are Gluten and Lactose Free, and they are 10 Snack Packs in Every Blue Box. Mini Choke-Wafer La oblea de chocolate con amaranto es un producto elaborado con harina de amaranto y granos de amaranto, cubierto y relleno de chocolate bajo en caloras; El Amaranto es un grano altamente nutritivo que es rico en protenas, fibra y muchos micronutrientes importantes como manganeso, magnesio, fsforo y hierro. Todos los ingredientes de Choke-Wafers no contienen gluten ni lactosa, y Viene 10 Snack Packs en Cada Cajita Azul.
Occasion: Wedding, Anniversary, Valentine's Day
Number of Items: 10
Unit Count: 10.00 Count
Product Dimensions:3.94 x 0.39 x 4.72 inches; 2.47 ounces