Chocolatey aroma complex flavor and a smooth caramel finish
Dark roast, caffeinated coffee
Fair Trade Certified and USDA Organic
Orthodox Union Kosher
Compatible with Keurig K-Cup pod single-serve coffee makers
Newman's OwnOrganic FrenchRoastisgreat-tastingcoffee thatalsohappenstomakea realdifference inthe world.Adarkroast blendofdeepandfull flavors,itsbold yet refined, strong yetsmooth flavorisrich, robust,andsatisfying.Inaddition to being100%USDA CertifiedOrganicand Certified Orthodox Union Kosher,Newmans Ownproudly supports organizations such as SeriousFun Childrens Network,which deliversmore than 160,000 life-changing experiences each year to kids livingwithserious illnesses. In total, more than $600 million has been donated to help kids and other good causes throughNewmans OwnFoundation since 1982.TheFoundationisa very important part of our storyand thetrue heartof NewmansOwn.Its in our DNA. Its why we existand whatmotivates us.Newman's Own Organic French Roast delivers adarkroast blend of deepandfull flavors ofcarameland dark chocolatefor arich and robust flavor with ample body thats100%organic. K-Cup pods are also recyclable in some communities, so you can feel even better drinking Newman's Own Organic French Roast. Enjoy the same great-tastingcoffeeyou know and love, and when youre done, please peel, empty, and recycle. Check locally, not recycled in many communities.
Brand: Newman's Own
Item Form: Capsule
Flavor: French Roast
Caffeine Content Description: Caffeinated
Roast Level: Dark Roast
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer:No
Product Dimensions:11.9 x 8 x 6.3 inches; 0.43 ounces
Item model number:5000057583
Manufacturer:Keurig Green Mountain