Delicious Trader Joes Organic Pasta Vegetable Ridiatore!
Perfect for summer and so-much-lighter
Feel free to experiment and add whatever veggies you like best.
Easy to make a day ahead and store in the refrigerator.
Trader Joes Organic Pasta Vegetable Ridiatore 12-oz (Case of 4)
If there was a most fun to eat award, it would go to this alt-pasta option. You feel like a kid again eating colorful noodles that get their hues from spinach, beets, and red bell peppers. Unlike many of the other alternative pastas, these pastas arent always gluten-free, but you do get whole grains, protein, and fiber, as well as nutrients like iron and vitamin A.
Cook time: 9 minutes Nutrition stats (per 3/4 cup serving): 200 calories, 41 grams carbohydrates, 2 grams fiber, 7 grams protein, 1 gram sugar Taste: I loved the taste of this pasta. Even though each serving gets you closer to hitting your DV of important nutrientsincluding 4 percent of vitamin A, 2 percent of vitamin C, 2 percent calcium, and 8 percent ironyou cant taste the veggies at all. Texture: Because its made from wheat, the texture is exactly like that of typical pastas. It becomes perfectly al dente and is delicious with pesto, tomato-based saucesbasically anything you want to pair it with.
Brand: Trader Joe's
Variety: Radiatori
Item Weight: 12 Ounces
Number of Items: 4
Package Information: Bag
Package Dimensions:10.12 x 8.43 x 5.71 inches; 12 ounces
Manufacturer:Trader Joe's