Paste the wallpaper on the wall, seam, and lap, paste the wallpaper on the wall, align the edges, flatten the wall with a rubber roller, and rush the adhesive bubbles; trim, use a wallpaper knife to fix the ceiling, wall skirts, windows, etc. Cut off the excess wallpaper and wipe off the glue.
A roll of wallpaper is 10 meters long and 53 cm wide! That is, a roll of wallpaper is 5.3 square meters! There is parquet loss due to wallpaper! When calculating the square, one roll only counts 4.5 square! (Example: The wall height is 2.7 meters, a roll of wallpaper is 10 meters long, 2.7*3=8.1 meters, the remaining 1.9 meters is the loss of mosaic)