It is very useful for people who travels, Bachelors, Hostel Peoples and for a single person to get away with their washing needs. Our portable washing machine is well known electronic gadget can be used anywhere in any size of bucket portable, economical and user friendly.
Shock Proof - Trendy Looks - Single Speed Motor - Hot & Cold Water Proof - Low Power Consumption - High Powered 350 W Motor
Important Precautions:
Operate the washing machine only from power point which must me earthed at all time while in use.
Overload AC outlet and extensions cords are dangerous, so are broken plugs, use three pin plug.
Always unplug the machine before cleaning the outer surface.
Always switch off the machine before taking out the clothes from the buckets.
Do not overload the buckets with clothes.
Do not put your hand while washing the clothes.
Always keep the machine out of the reach of children.
How to Use:
Take a Bucket
Fill it water up to minimum water level mark of the machine
Place the washing machine inside the bucket and lock the clamp
Add a good detergent power in the water
Switch on the machine
Keep adding clothes up to 2.5 Kgs
Don't overload bucket with clothes that the machine runs smoothly
In 5 min wash cycle gets over and the clothes are ready for rinse and Dry.
Voltage :220-240V50Hz
Power :350W
Weight : 3 Kg. (approx)