Applicable products: camera
Color: 43mm, 49mm, 52mm, 55mm, 58mm, 62mm, 67mm, 72mm, 77MM, 82MM, 37mm
Dimming mirror (grayscale) series (for large apertures or slow shutter speeds during the day, manufacturing effect)
(1) ND-2: can reduce the level 1 aperture and 50% of the light;
(2) ND-4: Can reduce the aperture of 2 levels and 75% of the light;
(3) ND-8: Can reduce the aperture of level 3 and 87.5% of the light;
(4) ND-400: It can reduce the amount of light of 9-level aperture, suitable for long-term exposure during the day and shooting the sun.
Product role:
- When a low shutter speed is required (a dynamic or continuous screen that takes a long exposure during the day)
- When it is necessary to shallow depth of field shooting (under a large aperture, highlight the theme by blurring the background)
- When it is necessary to control the sensitivity (in a very bright outdoor environment, the ND2-ND400 dimming mirror can maintain the required exposure)
- It is necessary to prevent the camera from being overexposed (use this lens to avoid small aperture or overexposure when shooting)